Vision and Mission


SUN FLOWER Public School's Vision

SUN FLOWER School believes in holistic development of the child by imparting knowledge and values through high quality educational endeavor.

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SUN FLOWER Public School's Mission

Education is fundamental for complete development of individuals. It is said that ‘Success is one percent perspiration. Dedication, Dynamism and a Driving force are needed to crystallize the dreams and visions. The institute is committed to groom the personality and intellect the students as per the dictates of the modern age & to build a society that is vibrant through Knowledge, Sharing and Enhancing

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Welcome to Our CBSE School

We care for children, protect their welfare, and prepare them for the future

Our Nobel Goal

We intend to provide all our students with a substantial support in socio – cultural, linguistic, cognitive and conceptual knowledge areas. Each and every student values us a lot since we value quality education. We resolves to instill certain life making values in our students such as humility, reverence, unity and integrity; while our exemplary functioning helps students broaden their experimentation, exploration, imagination and conception to greater heights for prospective carrers

Outstanding Leadership

At the heart of every outstanding school is a strong leadership team. Our Director provides dynamic leadership and looking after day to day business. SUN FLOWER Public School also makes sure that school benefit from the best and most effective systems and processes available

First Class Teaching

Just as we have high expectations for our students we have high expectation for our teachers too and we recruited some exceptional staff to join the school on its journey. Nothing is more important to the learner outcomes than quality of teaching. Our culture in SUN FLOWER Public School is of excellent classroom behavior means that our teachers can focus exclusively on doing what they do the best. We invest in our teachers and they receive high quality training on a weekly basis


We celebrate achievement through Upraise, a system that rewards students who go the extra mile in their studies, who make a special contribution to school life, who embody the outstanding attitude we want to see. This positive and encouraging atmosphere underpins a learning environment where our students know they’ll be supported to succeed.

Students are closely monitored individually

We view the school’s relationship with parents and guardians as a partnership: we’re working together to give our young Champs the best chance in life. We regularly meet in person with parents and guardians to discuss both academic and pastoral matters. Staff are always on hand to meet parents – no concern or question should go unanswered

How we look matters too, and students wear the full SUN FLOWER Public School uniform with pride. Take the pride to dress smartly and correctly. It reflects our whole-school values of respect for our peers and a positive attitude to learning

Good attendance and punctuality are clearly linked to better outcomes, and we expect – and celebrate – the highest standards. We encourage all students to work towards 100% attendance